i just wanted to make an official post about this, in case people were confused.
i AM a voice actress, though i can do little boy/teenage boy voices also (kind of... xD). i love doing any roles, but please don't ask me to do a role when you have someone else on that role already. it's rude to the person you already promised the role to, unless they are not responding to you after 3 weeks or something of the sort.
i love any roles, so just ask and i will try to do it for you!
i do play piano, violin, and guitar and i sing (though not incredibly well). if anyone needs any of those musical instruments played for them for some reason... yeah. =P
annnnd that's about it! need a voice actress? =) contact me!
my resume: www.freewebs.com/snowfender
some demos in my profile.
actually i've been looking for a female voice actress for a newgrounds comedy. If you're interested leave me a private message